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The need is simple


In Brown County, 1 of every 5 children lives in poverty, and 1 of every 3 households struggles to afford the basic necessities, including food.

(Source:  Kids Count in Indiana 2017 Data Book, calendar year 2015 and United Way ALICE Report—2016 Update for Indiana)

The Brown County Weekend Backpacks program helps children get through the weekends by providing a backpack containing 6 nutritious, easy-to-prepare meals, plus a snack, to students in families struggling with hunger.  Eating well on weekends helps kids come to school each Monday ready to learn.

Children who do not eat regular, nutritious meals are more likely to be in poor health and struggle in school. 

For many of these children, a school breakfast or lunch may be the only meals they can count on eating during the week. 

(Source:  Feeding America website)

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